Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Long Absence

It has been a while since I last wrote a review, and to be honest, I was a tad lazy to begin with. I was really busy with work, life and rehearsals which didn't leave much time to see theatre let alone write reviews.

Things in my personal life have changed and now I have time to see a lot more theatre in Austria and I will discipline myself to write reviews and post them within a reasonable amount of time.


Here's a sloppy recap of some of productions I saw within the last few months:

Private Lives by Noel Coward - The Old Vic, London
This production was really well concieved and done. The acting was exciting and the stage design was candy for my eyes. My family and I loved the show, although my mother wasn't all too fond of the story line. This production overall deserves 10/10 because it really was perfectly executed in all respects and memorable.

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde - Vienna's English Theatre, Vienna
I am bias because I was rehearsing my own production of this very play at the same time as seeing this performance. I found the stage design odd, the acting by some of the principles rather weak (eg. Gwendolen) and the direction rather odd. Cecily was in control of the scene changes that a little girl with her doll house, very weird. The actors were clearly told to act out to the audience in a way that seemed highly artificial and reminiscent to how a Restoration Comedy may have been acted but not Oscar Wilde. Many jokes were lost, albeit some smaller ones found new life in this production. It wasn't a bad evening, I still enjoyed myself....but this production had the quality of a decent Arts University production with the price tag of something professional. I expected better. 6/10

Faschings Kaberet - Musical Güssing, Güssing
I like caberets but I did not like the unusual audience set up of this one. The line-up was good. Many/most of the pieces were written by the actors/comedians. I enjoyed myself, but I think there could have been some cuts to the performances because it seemed a but long and there were definately a few really boring parts. I'm sure alcohol would have helped that, but instead I opted for the Orange Juice (which wasn't really juice). Considering most people involved aren't professional performers, it was impressive. Also Florian Resetarits (see Kiss Me, Kate Review) sang some songs which was very pleasing to the ear. Overall 7/10 for a nice evening you do once a year.

Der Meister und Margarita by Michail Bulgakow - Schauspielhaus Graz, Graz
It is impossible to write a decent review on this production directed by Viktor Bodó, all I can say is see it if you have the opertunity too. At some parts you think to yourself, 'what on earth is going on?' and then you just let yourself be affected because the answers will come without you even having to really think about them. Thoroughly odd, and thoroughly enjoyable. Strong acting throughout and some interesting new actors from Hungary (I like the cat-man). In the final act, a white drop comes down that is backlit which projects everything that is happen behind it in shadow form. The stage behind is constantly turning and we see Expressionistic angles of the set mixed with the moving actors. The continue to act there piece (without talking) to music, while the audience watches it in shadow. Truly amazing and worthy of making Robert Lapage envious. 9/10 - must see.

The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde - The Pennyless Players, Literaturhaus Graz
This was the production that I got the lovely opertunity to direct. Obviously I can't give a review but I can say there is an audience for English Theatre in Graz. The Pennyless Players is a rather new group (founded in 2007) and is still on its path of finding itself as a theatre group. There was a lot of talent and many audience members had a very enjoyable evening. It was a pleasure directing my first show and I hope those involved and those who saw the performance walked aware with the satisfaction of an enjoyable production.

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